Thursday 8 September 2011

Lanvin : we know we want it !!!

We were all shocked by the new Lanvin video campaign. The first think I had was how the hell a luxurious brand like Lanvin witch I adore can be associated with a Pitbull song ?? A song that said “Rumba, ella quiere su rumba. Si es verdad que tu eres guapa, Yo te voy a poner a gozar, Tu tienes la boca grande dale ponte a jugar”  whitch means “Rumba she wants her rumba. Is true you are beautiful, I going to give you pleasure. You have a big mouth, come on start to play with it” 
We all know that fashion goes with sexy, luxury with glamour and sensuality but this is too much sexual and “vulgaire”.

Then I watched the video again and again and it becomes funny cause the models Raquel Zimmerman and Karen Elson doesn’t follow the choreography properly and that gives all the sense to this unconventional campaign. In a point I forget the music and I just fixed into the beautiful mousquetaires looks with sharp capes accessorizes with leather gloves, wide-brimmed headgear and metal-trimmed handbags. Black, flowers prints, colourful dresses, metal oversize necklaces…all glamorous looks with perfect hair done and awesome location….Welcome to Lanvin !!!

Best moment of the video when Albert Elbaz makes an appearance and becomes the start pushing the males models out of the way to take the center of the stage.

Bizare and weird mix but miraculously works very well because now....We know He want us, He knows We want him.

But who is Albert Elbaz  to make us feel all these emotions ??
He is a Moroccan born but grew up in Israel and emigrate to USA when he was 25 after finished his fashion studies. Geoffrey Beene gave him his first opportunity and then he was working for Guy Laroche and Yves Saint Lauren.

I love this Chevalier of the French Legion d’Honneur because is a cleaver and emotional person who spoke on truth in the fashion industry at the 2011 Deloitte Ignite contemporary arts festival at Royal Opera House.
“ You can buy bottox, you can buy a face you can buy teeth, boobs, ass, you can buy anything you want. The only thing you cannot buy is TALENT. You cannot buy a muscle. From muscle and I know trust me I hate to go to the gym. To get muscle is hard work, and is not coming overnight. Is a long progress day after day that you work in a gym to get a little bit of something. That's how it is to be a designer. You cannot just wake up one morning and say "I'm famous, let's be a designer!" You have to work DAMN HARD for that, to become one."

‘Yves Saint Laurent gave women power; Chanel liberated them, and so for a long time I asked myself “what is it that I bring to women – what is it that I do for them?” And then one day I got an SMS from a friend of mine in New York, and she said “Hi Alber, I am in the back of a taxi, going to the court, going to face my a**hole husband in a divorce case, and I’m wearingLanvin, and I feel so protected, I can face it better.” That was one of the biggest compliments I ever got in my life – I thought if I can make a dress in silk, and it weighs maybe 150 grams, and that can protect her in front of her a**hole husband - that thought made me very happy.’

My favorite interview is this one by Lynn Hirschberg for The New York Times. 

1 comment:

  1. Great comment and video also, it seems funny to me. They should say: What´s doing a girl like me dancing a song like that?
    Even when they try hard those who have glamour could never look like a vulgar reggaeton videoclip dancer!
