Wednesday 10 August 2011

San Francisco Academy of Art University

Arriving to San Francisco everything is big: meals, buildings, cars.. Walking I found the Academy of Art University and I flashed on different dresses on the windows. Once inside I discover a "aperitif" of what fashion is going to be and how fashion can be expressed like art and not only like clothes.

Mini-mi concepts, jewelry cushion, underwear frame ...

Artist Aviva Stanoff. This vintage lingerie pressed into-printed velvet make me feel that fashion is much more than catwalks, fashes, magazines, celebrities and must-have... people sometimes reduce it only to that and this is sad.

Fantastic material, silks as I love, simple and nice lines, femenine cuts and shape. I love the way they put the scarves on the waist (scarves my favourite piece in the world). I don't agree with the length of the white trousers and the print of the brown dress but....that is a school of fashion and art cannot be liked by everyone.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Christmas in august at Selfridges

Few days ago I was in Malaga having a delicious sun bath,enjoying the beach and night mojitos,my skin smelled sun cream and I was extremely happy. Suddenly, I arrived to London and I was slapped by the Christmas decoration at Selfridges. Please let me enjoy the summer,even if it is raining 12 months.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

My first post

Hi everybody ! I don't know how far this blog will go but let have fun and discover my 2 big passions : Fashion and new cultures and new trends.
I am from Spain (MALAGA) but I studied uni in MADRID and PARIS and now I'm living in LONDON...I can't stop moving. Last year I discover many countries and capitals and I would like to share this experience with YOU.
Next stop SAN FRANCISCO and NEW YORK...let's be crazy !!! Any suggestion is welcome :)