Wednesday 21 March 2012

Who said the french are always grey ???

Despite the fact that Fashion Weeks are made to make us dream and not everything is wearable there is something that always work: Classics.
French are well known in street fashion for not taking risks and wearing always grey, black, white, brown and navy blue. If you have French friend please do the following exercise. 1- Go to her wardrobe 2- Count how many colourful item she has. I can tell you now the result will be zero.

Bright pink, orange, yellow or green are not allowed at the French bible of colours but....

OH MY GOD !!!! How can that be true ???  If Coco Chanel were alive she may will have a heart attack but being classical and elegant is not unsuited with being modern and colourful. Every occasion has a perfect look.

Little anecdote: When I first moved to France to finish my studies I arrived with all my bright Spanish clothes. One day I was at University and felt really hot. I wanted to remove my black jumper and I realized that underneath I was wearing a fluorescent green Benetton t-shirt. If at that moment someone would have taken a picture hanging from the ceiling I am sure I would have looked like a pea in a black rice pudding. After that day I decided to change my wardrobe. 
If I could come back to that time I would be the most trendiest and "avant-garde" student.